Bourns welcomes your comments, questions or suggestions. Your inquiry is viewed by our Webmaster and directed within 48 hours to the responsible party.
Product Compliance Inquiry
For more information regarding Product Compliance issues, please email
Export Control Inquiry
All Export Control, including BIS and ITAR subject inquiries, must be directed to US persons only. For quotes or information regarding US Export Control products or applications, please send to, an email address which is restricted by Bourns to US Persons only.
*Please be aware, not all individuals in Americas customer service are a US person permitted to receive US Export Control materials. When in doubt about the content of your inquiry,
use the Export Control email address provided, to initiate contact with Bourns.
International Trade Inquiry
For more information on export classification (ECCN, EAR99, or USML), Country of Origin, and/or export control restrictions for Bourns® products, please email: