
Bourns and Magnachip Announce Volume Ramp of TBU® Series of High-Speed Circuit Protection Devices

Riverside, California, and Seoul, South Korea, September 27, 2011 - MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (“MagnaChip”) (NYSE: MX), a Korea-based designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products, and Bourns, Inc. (“Bourns”), a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components announced today that MagnaChip has ramped to mass production all families of the Bourns® series of high-speed circuit protection devices (TBU® HSP) designed for a broad selection of Industrial, Consumer and Telecommunication applications.

TBU® HSP devices are constructed using MOSFET semiconductor technology. When placed in series in the system, the TBU® HSP device monitors the current flowing through the line. If the current exceeds a preset level, the TBU® HSP device triggers in less than 1µs, providing an effective barrier to large, destructive voltages or currents during surge events, thereby protecting sensitive electronics. These devices are particularly popular in Telecommunication applications (such as Voice SLICs, xPON and GBEthernet), Industrial applications (such as RS485 interfaces, surveillance systems and avionics) and Consumer products applications (such as set top boxes and home gateways).

The TBU® HSP devices are custom designed and developed using Bourns’ proprietary technology fabricated by MagnaChip. MagnaChip successfully transferred two proprietary processes of Bourns needed to produce the TBU® HSP devices by closely working with Bourns’ engineering team. Both processes are currently in the production ramp phase.

TJ Lee, Senior Vice President and General Manager of MagnaChip’s Corporate and SMS Engineering, commented, “We are very pleased to have successfully transferred the Bourns processes to production. We also look forward to supporting their future engineering and manufacturing needs as a partner for our foundry services.”

Arnaud Moser, General Manager of Bourns’ Telecom Segment, added, “We are happy to celebrate this milestone with MagnaChip and look forward to a continued, successful partnership. Thanks to MagnaChip’s engineering expertise and state of the art production facilities, Bourns has been able to bring this innovative technology to a broad array of customers across many markets.”

About MagnaChip
Headquartered in South Korea, MagnaChip Semiconductor is a Korea-based designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products for high volume consumer applications. MagnaChip Semiconductor has one of the broadest and deepest range of analog and mixed-signal semiconductor platforms in the industry, supported by its 30-year operating history, a large portfolio of registered and pending patents, and extensive engineering and manufacturing process expertise. For more information, please visit

MagnaChip Press Contacts
In the United States:
Robert Pursel
Director of Investor Relations
(408) 625-1262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (408) 625-1262      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  In Korea:
Chankeun Park
Senior Manager, Public Relations
+82-2-6903-3195 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +82-2-6903-3195      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Bourns®, TBU® and the Bourns logo are registered trademarks of Bourns, Inc. and may be used only with the permission of Bourns and proper acknowledgement. Other listed names and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138