
Bourns Introduces Breakthrough Line of Transient Current Suppressors that Deliver Ultra-Fast, Cost-Effective and Reliable Circuit Protection

RIVERSIDE, Calif., September 12, 2012 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today introduced a breakthrough line of transient current suppressor (TCS™) devices that provide ultra-fast and highly reliable circuit protection to very high data rate signal lines such as those used in xDSL and Gigabit Ethernet (GbE). Bourns used its extensive circuit protection expertise to innovatively design solutions that combine advanced surge protection with excellent system performance and cost-effectiveness. Designated the Bourns® TCS™ DL-Series, these ultra-fast reacting devices negligibly affect the signal performance of high-speed communication ports unlike typical high capacitance protectors.

Bourns® TCS™ devices are high-speed, bidirectional, low resistance, automatically resettable, compact current limiting devices that protect circuits from overcurrent surges. Protecting within nanoseconds, the devices are capable of significantly reducing latency common in most circuit protection designs, and limit the let-throughenergy that could potentially damage sensitive electronic circuits. A solution consisting of a TCS™ device and an overvoltage protector such as a clamping diode offers OEMs a superior overvoltage and overcurrent protection solution.

"Bourns designed its innovative and ultra high-speed TCS™ devices to provide designers a high performance and cost-effective circuit protection alternative for sensitive xDSL and Gigabit Ethernet port line drivers," said Ian Doyle, product line manager for semiconductor products at Bourns, Inc. "DSL and Ethernet interfaces are increasingly exposed to surge threats and Bourns® TCS™ solutions reliably protect low voltage driver and receiver components from damage from lightning surges without compromising performance. The small footprint of these new devices simplifies retrofitting or upgrading of existing equipment at minimum redesign costs. In most cases, designers can simply add a TCS™ device to an existing TVS protection design."

The Bourns® TCS™ DL-Series provides an integrated solution that minimizes board size, design and manufacturing costs for faster time-to-market. The new devices also help to reduce costly field failures and help end-users decrease expensive maintenance, repair and system downtime costs.

The Bourns® TCS™ DL-Series (dual devices) are available now. As a pricing reference, a 2.3 Ohm dual TCSTM (TCS-DL004-250-WH) is priced at $0.42 each in 1000 piece quantities.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138