
Bourns Announces Industry’s First ECL Triggered By Excessive Voltage or Current

Riverside, Calif., June 29, 2010 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced its latest series of Transient Blocking Unit (TBU™) circuit protection devices designed to protect telecommunications applications from surges in the industry’s first electronic current limiter triggered by excessive voltage or current. Designated the Bourns® TBU™ PL-Series SLIC, the new circuit protection device family provides extremely fast overcurrent protection combined with SLIC battery voltage tracking triggered protection. Combined with additional overvoltage protectors, this new solution protects against very high surge levels and meets telecom 500A Telcordia GR-1089 intrabuilding and 6kV/150A ITU-T standards.

Protecting sensitive telecom applications from the potentially damaging effects of surges that can cause current and voltage to rise above normal operating levels, the Bourns® TBU™ PL-Series responds in 100 nanoseconds. The resettable circuit protection devices also feature significantly lower let-thru energy and overshoot protection, which reduces stress on the SLIC and the printed circuit board (PCB) for increased reliability and product life. Bourns’ new TBU™ series also cuts the circuit protection component count to three devices compared to the seven needed in a conventional gated thyristor solution because there is no need for peripheral R-C or L-C components nor additional GDTs for increased surge requirements that take up valuable PCB space and increase manufacturing costs.

“Similarly, for customers who are currently using the Bourns® P-G TBU™ series, the new Bourns® TBU™ PL-Series drastically reduces the component count and the TBU™ package size is 25 percent smaller to better meet our customer’s needs for board area and height reductions,” said Paul Wiener, telecom market director at Bourns. “This new TBU™ series provides the best of both worlds – the highest protection levels with the fewest number of components.”

The Bourns® TBU™ PL-Series is available in three voltages (850, 600 and 500) and two operating current levels (100 mA and 200 mA) that match worldwide standards and SLIC chipset requirements. Product samples, evaluation boards and sample kits are available now through Bourns’ distribution partners. As a pricing example, Bourns® TBU-PL050-100-WH is priced at ($.056 each) in (3K) quantities.


Bourns — 是电子零组件业界的龙头制造供货商,公司总部位于美国加州的河边市,其产品包含:位置与速度传感器、电路保护解决方案、磁性组件、微电子模块、面板控制器及电阻产品,服务产业涵盖汽车、工业、消费、通信、非关键性的生命支持医疗(低/中风险)、音频以及其他各种市场。如需了解更多的公司与产品讯息,欢迎上公司网站查询


† Bourns®产品并非设计用于“救生”、“性命攸关”或“维持生命”应用,也不适用于Bourns®产品故障可能导致人身伤害或死亡的任何其他应用。请参阅法律免责声明

Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Bourns亚太媒体联络人 :
陈侨芬 Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc