
Bourns Adds Two Very High Current GDT Models to its High Energy GDT Family for AC and DC Power Line Designs

New Bourns® GDTs meet IEC and UL international lightning protection standards along with emerging market application specifications for ever-higher power protection

RIVERSIDE, Calif., October 7, 2024 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components for power, protection, and sensing solutions, today announced the addition of two very high current 2-electrode gas discharge tube (GDT) series to its high energy GDT family. The Bourns® Model GDT225EX and GDT230E Series are designed to deliver extremely elevated energy surge protection for AC and DC power line designs. These high energy GDTs meet the enhanced requirements for international IEC lightning protection zones, UL 1449, and IEC 61643-11 standards, making them ideal protection solutions for a growing group of existing and next-generation applications that are frequently subjected to excessive current surges.

Setting a new level of surge protection for high power designs, the two model series offer an impressive list of features. Bourns® Model GDT225EX Series features a maximum surge rating of 120 kA on an 8/20 μs waveform and is housed in a compact 20 mm diameter flat configuration. The Model GDT230E Series provides a maximum surge rating of 160 kA in a 30 mm diameter flat configuration. Both models offer DC breakdown voltage options from 500 V to 800 V, providing reliable protection for compact AC power line applications, while ensuring compatibility with most common AC voltage system configurations. The new series also gives designers additional versatility in terms of providing options for diverse voltage configurations in low voltage networks without having to compromise surge protection performance.

“Our customers look to Bourns for continued protection component innovation that is able to meet their evolving requirements. With the introduction of our GDT225EX and GDT230E Series, Bourns continues this commitment. These additions not only enhance our portfolio with exceptional surge protection capabilities in a compact design, but also match strategic emerging market application specifications for ever-higher power protection,” said David Chavarría, GDT/SPD Product Line Manager at Bourns.

Bourns® Model GDT225EX and GDT230E Series 2-electrode high energy GDTs are available now and are RoHS compliant* and UL recognized. For more detailed product information, please see:

*RoHS Directive 2015/863, Mar 31, 2015 and Annex.


ボーンズ社(Bourns, Inc.) は、位置センサー、速度センサー、回路保護ソリューション、磁気部品、マイクロ電子モジュール、パネル制御部品、抵抗部品の一流メーカーであり、サプライヤーでもあります。米国カリフォルニア州リバーサイドに本社を置く Bourns は、自動車、産業、消費者、通信、ノンクリティカルなライフサポート医療、オーディオをはじめとする多様な市場セグメントにおいて活動しています。当社および製品に関する詳しい情報は、 をご覧ください。

Bourns®およびBourns のロゴは、Bourns, Inc. の商標または登録商標であり、Bourns の許諾を得た場合のみ公的に使用することができ、また適切な権利の表記が必要です。 列挙した他の名称およびブランドは、各権利所有者の商標または登録商標です。

† Bourns®製品は、命を救うため、または生命を維持するためのアプリケーションや、Bourns®製品の故障または誤動作による人身傷害、または死亡につながる可能性のある、その他のアプリケーション向けに設計されていません。免責事項のお知らせをご参照ください。

Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138