
Bourns Expands Push-Pull Transformer Line with New Series that Delivers Excellent Isolated Power Performance for Serial Communications

Model PAD00x-T764 Isolation Transformer Series helps increase safety by providing isolation from high voltage hazards between systems

RIVERSIDE, Calif., September 15, 2021 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today introduced its Model PAD00x-T764 Isolation Transformer Series. These transformers feature functional isolation and a low 0.4 mm profile form factor to simplify isolated power and serial communication signal integrity in CAN, RS-485, RS-422, RS-232, SPI, I2C, and lower power LAN-based applications. The Model PAD00x-T763 Series is ideal for industrial automation, embedded solutions, AC motor drives, system integration, communication PHYs, smart metering, and many other applications requiring low DC power.

Bourns® Model PAD00x-T764 series was developed for ease of use in maintaining proper communication and necessary isolation between systems. The 3.1 kVAC withstanding voltage provides an isolation barrier from high voltage hazards, such as high voltage batteries. Design details include construction with a ferrite toroid core to help ensure a high coupling factor and heightened efficiency. EMI performance is enhanced in the winding of the transformer, enabling reduced emissions. The PAD00x-T764 series is compatible with Texas Instruments SN6501 and SN6506B, Maxim MAX253 and MAX845, Analog Devices ADM2485, and similar transformer drivers. The series offers 3.3 to 5 V input, industry standard 3.3 to 10 V output, and up to 250 mA output with various turns ratios. The Bourns Magnetics product line can also support most modification and customization requests for this push-pull transformer series.

"Serial communication between electronic systems is becoming more widely adopted, and isolating this serial communication is vital to maintaining proper operation of systems that use CAN, RS-485, RS-422, RS-232, SPI, I2C and low powered LAN communication. The Bourns® PAD00x-T764 isolation transformer series offers a simplified solution that helps maintain proper serial communication, while providing the necessary isolation between systems," said Glenn Roemer, Application Engineer for Custom Magnetics at Bourns.

Bourns® Model PAD00x-T764 Series isolation transformers are available now and are RoHS compliant* and halogen free**. For more detailed product information, please see:

*RoHS Directive 2015/863, Mar 31, 2015 and Annex.

**Bourns considers a product to be "halogen free" if (a) the Bromine (Br) content is 900 ppm or less; (b) the Chlorine (Cl) content is 900 ppm or less; and (c) the total Bromine (Br) and Chlorine (Cl) content is 1500 ppm or less.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138