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Kaschke KG (GmbH and Co) and Bourns, Inc. apply for merger review with German Federal Cartel Office

Göttingen, Germany., December 3, 2020 - Kaschke KG (GmbH and Co), a parent company of Kaschke Components GmbH, a market leading designer and manufacturer of customised inductive components and ferrites, and Bourns, Inc., a well-known manufacturer of standard and custom magnetics solutions, filed a merger application with German Federal Cartel Office on November 24, 2020.

The filing was made to permit the parties to implement a global strategic partnership to develop new magnetic products, including power transformers and chokes designed to enable customers to build highly efficient and robust power supplies.

Kaschke and Bourns continue to discuss the form and terms of the strategic alliance which is contemplated to conclude once merger approval is received and certain conditions to closing are satisfied. The parties' preferred form of strategic partnership is a share acquisition which will leave contracts with Kaschke customers and suppliers and employment arrangements with Kaschke's worldwide employees undisturbed at closing.

The strategic partnership will combine the extensive custom design and ferrite material knowledge of Kaschke and the applications expertise of Bourns to design unique new products that will bring value to the industrial and alternative energy markets.

"The combination of Kaschke and Bourns will enable the development of a full portfolio of products that will help our customers meet the challenging EMI filtering requirements of the next generation power supplies in the automotive, industrial and new energy markets. These new products will allow our customers to meet their design objectives with simplicity and cost optimization," said Silke Baumgartner, President of Kaschke. "I'm delighted to form an alliance with Bourns a company with a history and core values that are fully aligned with Kaschke's."

"Great strides have been made by the semiconductor industry in reducing switching losses through new materials and faster switching speeds. New magnetic materials and products are now required to keep pace with these trends. We are excited to partner with Kaschke to develop new products that will enhance energy conversion in the next generation power supplies," said Al Yost, President and COO of Bourns, Inc.

About Kaschke
Founded in 1955, Kaschke Components GmbH is a market leader in developing tailored inductive solutions, offering optimal performance in line with a design-to-cost principle. Our products are developed at our headquarters in Goettingen and manufactured at our production sites in Tunisia and Kuellstedt in Thuringia. Additional company and product information is available at www.kaschke.de.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138