
Bourns Announces New Series of Current Sense Resistors with High Overload Capability and Increased Operating Temperature Range

Riverside, Calif., September 8, 2009 Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced a new series of through-hole current sense resistors with high overload capability and a wide operating temperature range for improved reliability and longevity. Designated the Bourns® PWR4413 Series, the new resistors feature 0.8mm and 1.00mm terminations and are capable of up to 30A of continuous current and pulses up to 78 amperes. These current sense resistors are designed for applications that require tighter precision and higher operating temperatures and can be utilized as a drop-in replacement for other, less durable types of resistors. The Bourns® PWR4413 Series features low inductance, are RoHS compliant* and offer superior protection characteristics suitable for a broad range of products including industrial, automotive and medical applications.

"Bourns’ new series of current sense resistors meet advanced application needs for higher overload capability and wider temperature ranges,” said Cathal Sheehan, product marketing manager for Bourns’ Resistive Products Division. “As a pioneer in the development of thickfilm resistors, Bourns is using the company’s experience in engineering, manufacturing and quality assurance for the development of next-generation current sense resistors that meet growing industry demand for low inductance, higher operating temperatures and tighter precision that result in improved reliability and long product life.”

Electrical Specifications:
Type Specifications
Power Rating at 85° C 1 W, 3 W, 5 W
Resistance Range 0.01 to 0.1 ohms
Temperature Range - 55 ° to +325 °C degrees
Short Time Overload 5 x rated power for 5 seconds/td&;gt;
Temperature Coefficient +900 ppm/°C to +60 ppm/°C**
Packaging 250 pcs./bag


Pricing and Availability
As a pricing reference, the Bourns® PWR4413 Series is priced from $0.70 in 50 piece quantities and are available now. For a complete list of model numbers, go to

*RoHs Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including Annex.
** Dependent on resistor values

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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138