
Bourns® Hybrid Position Sensor Wins AspenCore World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA) Sensor of the Year

Innovatively designed Bourns® Model HES38U-RS485 was selected for its advanced features that give developers a high quality, long life RS-485 application solution

RIVERSIDE, Calif., December 7, 2023 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components for power, protection, and sensing solutions, today announced that the Company's Model HES38U-RS485 Hybrid Position Sensor has won the 2023 AspenCore World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA) Sensor of the Year in both the Chinese region and across Asia. The Bourns® sensor was selected from a list of competitive sensor products by AspenCore senior analysts and the publisher's user community worldwide. The award ceremonies are being held separately. The China region event took place on November 3 in Shenzhen, China. Bourns China Sales Director, Rocky Huang, accepted the award. The Asia award ceremony was held on December 6 in Taipei, Taiwan.

"Bourns continues to excel in the development of innovative hybrid component solutions that solve tough design issues for our customers. This award is a confirmation of our success in this area, and I want to commend the dedication and hard work of the entire Bourns team in developing breakthrough solutions such as this sensor that continue to shape the future of electronics," said Michel Potvin, President, Bourns Sensors Division.

Potvin added, "This recognition underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and setting new standards within the electronics industry. It is an honor to be selected not only by the AspenCore analysts but also by their global readership base that would be actual customers for this product. On behalf of Bourns, we are proud to receive this valued recognition."

Designed for certain harsh environmental applications that must meet long cycle life and high reliability specifications, Bourns® Model HES38U-RS485 hybrid position sensor offers a rotational life of up to 5 million shaft revolutions with 10 turns of absolute position. The sensor's advanced hybrid design enables it to deliver enhanced linearity, resolution and accuracy. These features and capabilities make it an optimal solution for industrial feedback applications such as patient platform positioning, 3D imaging position, pneumatic control valve position and actuator motor position, as well as for automated manufacturing robotics.

The WEAA event has garnered exceptional support from the reader communities of EE Times and EDN in Taiwan and Asia, solidifying its position as one of the industry's most highly anticipated and esteemed events. By winning this esteemed award, Bourns joins an exclusive league of industry leaders who have been honored for driving progress and change in the electronics and semiconductor technology sector.

For more information on the Bourns® Model HES38U-RS485 hybrid position sensor, please see:

*RoHS Directive 2015/863, Mar 31, 2015 and Annex.

**Bourns considers a product to be "halogen free" if (a) the Bromine (Br) content is 900 ppm or less; (b) the Chlorine (Cl) content is 900 ppm or less; and (c) the total Bromine (Br) and Chlorine (Cl) content is 1500 ppm or less.


ボーンズ社(Bourns, Inc.) は、位置センサー、速度センサー、回路保護ソリューション、磁気部品、マイクロ電子モジュール、パネル制御部品、抵抗部品の一流メーカーであり、サプライヤーでもあります。米国カリフォルニア州リバーサイドに本社を置く Bourns は、自動車、産業、消費者、通信、ノンクリティカルなライフサポート医療、オーディオをはじめとする多様な市場セグメントにおいて活動しています。当社および製品に関する詳しい情報は、 をご覧ください。

Bourns®およびBourns のロゴは、Bourns, Inc. の商標または登録商標であり、Bourns の許諾を得た場合のみ公的に使用することができ、また適切な権利の表記が必要です。 列挙した他の名称およびブランドは、各権利所有者の商標または登録商標です。

† Bourns®製品は、命を救うため、または生命を維持するためのアプリケーションや、Bourns®製品の故障または誤動作による人身傷害、または死亡につながる可能性のある、その他のアプリケーション向けに設計されていません。免責事項のお知らせをご参照ください。

Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138