
Bourns Acquires Circuit Protection Component Company, KEKO-Varicon d.o.o. Žužemberk

RIVERSIDE, Calif., July 16, 2019 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced that a member of the Bourns group of companies has acquired all shares of KEKO-Varicon d.o.o. Žužambrek (KEKO-Varicon) from its three shareholders, consisting of two members of the MSIN Group and one minority shareholder. KEKO-Varicon is a leading manufacturer of overvoltage protection products that include varistor and EMI suppression products. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Along with adding breadth and depth to Bourns' industry-leading overvoltage and overcurrent protection portfolio, KEKO-Varicon brings a strong employee base, superior overvoltage protection technologies, expanded R&D, and production facility assets as part of the acquisition. Bourns' existing circuit protection portfolio includes gas discharge tubes (GDTs), metal oxide varistors (MOVs), thyristor surge protectors, transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes and arrays, Power TVS diodes, Polymer PTC resettable fuses, TBU® High-Speed Protectors (HSPs), mini-breaker thermal cutoff (TCO) devices, and ESD suppressors.

"The acquisition allows Bourns to gain a significant strategic advantage in the range of protection solutions we can offer our customers, particularly in addressing the strict requirements of the automotive industry," said Erik Meijer, President and COO of Bourns, Inc. "Acquiring KEKO-Varicon further reinforces Bourns' ability to meet both complex technology and on-time delivery needs with an even stronger global organization to deliver the highest quality circuit protection devices."

About KEKO-Varicon d.o.o
KEKO-Varicon is one of the world's top manufacturers of overvoltage protective and EMI suppression components. The company's products have been designed into a broad variety of low voltage board level (LVBL), telecommunication, automotive electronics, AC-line, TVSS and high-energy industrial equipment applications. The combination of extensive technical knowledge and advanced equipment enables KEKO-Varicon to produce at almost 0 PPM quality levels. The company‘s headquarters and production facilities are located in Slovenia, EU. Additional company and product information is available at

About MSIN Group
MSIN d.o.o. is a Slovenian investment firm with a diverse portfolio of companies. MSIN d.o.o.'s primary focus is to recognize investment opportunities and transform them into successful long-term projects by utilizing its management method, motivated employees and clearly set objectives.

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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138