
Bourns Announces Release of Model SSD Current Sensor – Digital Series

Offering superior accuracy, stability and electrical isolation, Bourns® Digital DC Current Sensors provide high accuracy over a wide operating temperature range

RIVERSIDE, Calif., July 1, 2024 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components for power, protection, and sensing solutions, today announced the release of the Model SSD Current Sensor - Digital Series. The series includes innovatively designed digital DC shunt-based current sensors that offer superior accuracy, stability and electrical isolation over a wide -40 °C to +115 °C operating temperature range. These small and highly-integrated digital System-in-Package (SiP) devices are well-suited for a wide variety of battery-related current sensing applications including large-scale energy storage banks, renewable energy generation infrastructure, industrial motor drives, building automation systems, and EV charging stations.

The series features a 16-bit automotive-grade microcontroller unit (MCU) and delivers accuracy of ±0.1 % full scale. The internal 24-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) offers plug-and-play simplicity, helping to significantly streamline implementation so engineers can quickly add high-accuracy current measurement into their latest designs or retrofit it into existing ones. These shunt-based sensors also help eliminate the need for periodic device calibrations, all while providing highly accurate measurements that contribute to more efficient use of power. There are two models: the RS-485 serial interface model, which can also be configured as MODBUS RTU, and the customizable CANbus model.

The Model SSD Current Sensor – Digital Series is available now. For additional product information, please see:

Über Bourns

Bourns, Inc. ist ein führender Hersteller und Zulieferer von Positions- und Geschwindigkeits-Sensorik, Schutzabschaltungslösungen, magnetischen Komponenten, Mikroelektronikmodulen, Schalttafelsteuerungen und Widerstandsprodukten. Mit Hauptverwaltung in Riverside, Kalifornien beliefert Bourns eine Reihe von Märkten, einschließlich Automobilbranche, Industrie, Haushalt, Kommunikation, nicht-lebenserhaltende medizinische Unterstützungstechnik, Audio sowie viele andere Marktsegmente. Weitere Firmen- und Produktinformationen sind erhältlich auf

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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
David Scofield
Bourns, Inc.
(951) 781-5054