
Bourns to Demonstrate 90% Efficient High Power Converter Suitable for Next-Generation Consumer Appliances and Motor Drives at PCIM 2017

RIVERSIDE, Calif., May 2, 2017 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, will showcase the company's extensive capabilities in high power, high frequency magnetics design, high power current sensing and circuit protection for consumer, automotive, industrial and communications applications at the PCIM Europe 2017 conference. Bourns engineered its broad line of high current shunt resistors, high power converters and custom transformer solutions to incorporate the extremely efficient technologies developers need to meet next-generation battery management system (BMS), smart switch and battery storage application requirements.

Booth highlights include:

  • Demonstration of a 5 V, 12 W high frequency magnetics converter that achieves 90 % efficiency using a low-profile planar transformer
  • Demonstration of an ultra-fast high voltage overcurrent protector for cell tap lines in battery stack applications

Where: PCIM, Nuremberg Messe, Nuremberg, Germany
When: May 16 – 18, 2017
Location: Bourns Booth #435, Hall 7

To learn more about how Bourns is enabling highly efficient BMS and power converter advancements, we invite you to speak with a Bourns power electronics expert. Please contact Annette Keller to schedule a meeting: +1 707-947-7232,

Über Bourns

Bourns, Inc. ist ein führender Hersteller und Zulieferer von Positions- und Geschwindigkeits-Sensorik, Schutzabschaltungslösungen, magnetischen Komponenten, Mikroelektronikmodulen, Schalttafelsteuerungen und Widerstandsprodukten. Mit Hauptverwaltung in Riverside, Kalifornien beliefert Bourns eine Reihe von Märkten, einschließlich Automobilbranche, Industrie, Haushalt, Kommunikation, nicht-lebenserhaltende medizinische Unterstützungstechnik, Audio sowie viele andere Marktsegmente. Weitere Firmen- und Produktinformationen sind erhältlich auf

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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
David Scofield
Bourns, Inc.
(951) 781-5054