
Bourns Announces Additions to Popular Rotary Position Sensor

Riverside, Calif., August 11, 2009 Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced additions to the Bourns Model 3382 rotary position sensor. Initially released in September 2008, the popular model is compact and highly reliable with up to 1,000,000 rotational cycles. The new additions include a through-hole option (H pin style), an increased standard rotor slot offering to accommodate 4 mm (-1) and 3.5 mm (-2) diameter D-shafts and resistance values ranging from 2.5K to 100K ohms. The additional resistance values allow for broader freedom and flexibility for component circuit designs without limiting them to 10K ohms. The  Bourns Model 3382 is designed for a wide range of applications requiring high quality and reliability such as navigation systems, automotive power seats and mirrors, portable electronic equipment, digital cameras, industrial equipment and controls, robotic systems and home applications including mechanical compartment systems, appliances and in-wall temperature control systems.

&;quot;The additional resistance values are significant because the only value currently available in the marketplace is 10K ohms. Instead of just one available resistance value, engineers now have six different values ranging from 2.5K ohms to 100K ohms,&;quot; said Emill Melliz, Trimpot® product line manager at Bourns. &;quot;The new additions to the Bourns Model 3382 rotary position sensor provide greater design options and allow engineers to find the best fit for their particular application.&;quot;  

With its 2.1 millimeter (mm) slim profile, Bourns Model 3382 is well-suited for applications with space constraints and is RoHS compliant*. The rotary position sensor device is also designed for applications that require frequent adjustment where it is necessary to control a variable output such as frequency, speed, contrast, brightness intensity, or volume control.  

Standard Resistance Table
Resistance (ohms) Resistance Code
2,500 252
5,000 502
50,000 503
100,000 104

Pricing and Availability
As a pricing reference, the Bourns Model 3382 rotary position sensor additions are offered in the price range of $1.12 to $1.25 for 1,000 piece quantities through distribution.

*RoHs Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27, 2003 including Annex.

Bourns®, the Bourns logo and Trimpot® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bourns, Inc. and may be used publicly only with the permission of Bourns and require proper acknowledgement. Other listed names and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138