
Bourns Announces New Power Resistor Product Designed To Meet High Temperature Soldering Requirements

Riverside, Calif., April 21, 2009 Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced the company has developed a new power resistor specifically engineered to meet high temperature soldering requirements that enable improved automated board assembly.  Designated Bourns PWR263S-20, the new power resistor features a D²PAK surface mount package, which provides an optimal solution for space-constrained designs that have lead free soldering temperature requirements.  Bourns&;#39; new power resistor is ideal for high-volume; high power component automated assembly, and is a drop-in replacement for competitive thickfilm resistive products in D²PAK packages.  The new power resistor is designed to fit a broad range of applications that include industrial automation, telecommunication equipment, lighting controls, heating systems, battery chargers, inverter drives and general switch mode power supplies.

&;quot;Bourns has uniquely positioned its latest power resistor to give our customers a smaller application solution while facilitating board assembly by meeting high temperature soldering requirements compatible with lead free reflow conditions,&;quot; said Cathal Sheehan, product marketing manager for Bourns Resistive Products Division.  &;quot;As a pioneer in the development of thickfilm resistors, Bourns is utilizing this vast expertise in engineering, manufacturing and quality assurance for the development of the latest generation of power resistive products.&;quot;

Bourns&;#39; PWR263S-20 power resistor features a low inductive resistive film which is ideal for high frequency circuits and provides high surge capability suitable for applications requiring resistors to discharge capacitive energy.  It also has a wide resistance range of 0.5 Ohms 1% and 5% to 130K Ohms 1% and 5% for increased stability and durability over a wide temperature range.

Specification Description
Power 20W at 25˚C
TCR 100 PPM /˚C
Thermal Resistance 6.5˚C / W
Resistance Range 0.5Ω to 130KΩ
Inductance 0.1μH
Operating Voltage √P*R
Insulation Resistance 10G Ω

Pricing and Availability
Bourns&;#39; new power resistor is available now.  As a pricing reference, this new resistor is priced from $1.75-$2.55 in 5,000 piece quantities.


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Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138