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Thermal Cutoff (TCO) devices, such as Bourns® Mini-Breakers, are utilized as safety measures to help prevent heat and fires produced by excess current, most notably in lithium-ion batteries. These products are used to safeguard batteries in electronic devices such as notebooks, PCs, tablets, digital cameras, and smartphones.
The trip temperature of the mini-breaker is a critical parameter for battery packs, and it is designed with the ability to target certain trip temperature values.
The component has UL and TÜV safety standard certifications and also uses environmental protection measures all around the globe. Bourns® Mini-Breakers are self-preserving devices that are intended to remain tripped (operated) at abnormal temperatures and then recover when power is turned off and the temperature returns to a safe level. When compared to polymer PTCs and temperature fuses used for the same applications, this enables protection at lower temperatures.
Products marked with this symbol are currently available, although not recommended for new designs.
Please visit the Thermal Cutoff Devices (TCOs) technical library for current publications. We also offer online product training for Mini-breakers. You may order one of our Mini-breaker design kits. Have a look at the Mini-Breakers (SPICE, 3D, etc.) we have to offer. Choose "Circuit Protection, Mini-Breakers (Miniature Thermal Cutoff Devices)" from the drop down menu.
Conflict Mineral Source Reporting for Mini-breakers: