
Bourns Adds New High-Temperature PPTC Resettable Fuses to its Multifuse Line

Bourns® new Multifuse® MF-NSHT and
MF-USHT Series Click for JPG)

RIVERSIDE, Calif., July 19, 2017 - Bourns, Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, today announced it has added new AEC-Q200 certified high-temperature Polymer Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC) resettable fuses to its successful line of Multifuse® products. Offered in 1206 and 1210 (3014 and 3024 metric) surface mount packages and featuring operating temperatures up to 125 °C, Bourns designed the miniature sized MF-NSHT and MF-USHT series as ideal circuit protection solutions for automotive systems, and to provide superior resettable fault protection for a new generation of high density boards in industrial, telecom and consumer electronics that also must operate in elevated temperatures.

The latest high-temperature Multifuse® models are based on Bourns' freeXpansion™ technology, which is a space-saving manufacturing process that enables smaller surface mount package sizes and increased fuse performance with higher hold currents (Ihold), improved resistance stability and higher voltages (Vmax). The MF-NSHT and MF-USHT series provide higher hold currents at elevated temperatures with Ihold up to 0.50 Amps and post trip resistance as low as 1.6 Ohms.

"Many automotive systems, particularly in under-the-hood applications, must operate in extremely high ambient temperatures requiring electronic components to be able to withstand these harsh environment conditions. Bourns' established experience in manufacturing high-temperature rated surface mount PPTC resettable fuses helps ensure reliable operation while also enabling designs to meet AEC-Q200 Rev-C stress test qualifications," said Lee Bourns, Multifuse Product Line Manager at Bourns, Inc. "Our latest MF-NSHT and MF-USHT series give automotive and electronics designers new overcurrent protection options in addition to Bourns' already popular high-temperature MF-PSHT, MF-SMHT, and MF-RHT products."

Manufactured in a Bourns TS16949-approved facility, the Multifuse® Model MF-NSHT and MF-USHT series are available now, are RoHS compliant* and UL recognized for safety requirements.

*RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan. 27, 2003 including annex and RoHS Recast 2011/65/EU June 8, 2011.


ボーンズ社(Bourns, Inc.) は、位置センサー、速度センサー、回路保護ソリューション、磁気部品、マイクロ電子モジュール、パネル制御部品、抵抗部品の一流メーカーであり、サプライヤーでもあります。米国カリフォルニア州リバーサイドに本社を置く Bourns は、自動車、産業、消費者、通信、ノンクリティカルなライフサポート医療、オーディオをはじめとする多様な市場セグメントにおいて活動しています。当社および製品に関する詳しい情報は、 をご覧ください。

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† Bourns®製品は、命を救うため、または生命を維持するためのアプリケーションや、Bourns®製品の故障または誤動作による人身傷害、または死亡につながる可能性のある、その他のアプリケーション向けに設計されていません。免責事項のお知らせをご参照ください。

Annette Keller
Keller Communication
(949) 947-7232
Josephine Chen
Bourns Asia Pacific, Inc.
886-2-2562-4117 #138